As the Internet of Things explodes, it seems like just about every device imaginable is getting WiFi connectivity these days. While smart home controls, wireless security cameras and wearable fitness trackers make sense, some companies have gotten a bit carried away with giving internet capabilities to the most bizarre and unnecessary products. Here are some of the weirdest WiFi connected gadgets out there:
WiFi Egg Tray and Carton
No, this isn’t a joke. The WiFi Egg Tray from Ovoblame actually exists. It’s an ordinary egg tray with WiFi built-in to keep track of how many eggs you have left. It even connects to your smartphone to send “egg porn” photos and let you know when eggs are aging. The WiFi Egg Carton does the same thing, but for an entire carton of eggs.
iKettle WiFi Kettle
Need to boil water from your smartphone? The iKettle has you covered with WiFi and smartphone app controls that allow you to turn the kettle on and off, set temperature levels, and get alerts when the water is ready. It’s designed to save energy by only boiling the exact amount of water you need each time.
Belty: The Smart WiFi Belt
The Belty is a WiFi enabled belt that integrates with fitness tracking apps to monitor when the smart buckle is loosened throughout the day. Theoretically it could help wearers be more mindful of over-indulging and weight management. Or it could just make Thanksgiving dinners really awkward.
Smart WiFi Diapers
Where there’s a WiFi chip, someone will find a way to integrate it. Smart diapers from companies like Monit and Pixie Scientific embed moisture sensors and WiFi connectivity to alert parents when their baby’s diaper needs changing via a smartphone notification. The diapers can track wet diaper “events” over time and sync that data to the cloud.
Aromafork Connected Fork
We’ve all been there – scarfing down food too quickly without thinking. The Aromafork aims to put an end to fast eating by using WiFi, weight sensors and a clock to track your eating rate and gently vibrate when you’re eating too fast. It syncs to an app to monitor your eating habits and even has a scented cartridge to release aromas to engage your sense of smell during meals.
While some of these gadgets like smart kettles offer legitimate utility through WiFi connectivity, most seem like sheer gimmickry designed to grab headlines rather than solve real problems. But in the ever-expanding realm of the Internet of Things, it’s a safe bet that we’ll see even more bizarre attempts to cash in by giving innocuous household objects WiFi capability. That smart toilet brush has to be coming soon…