Free Password Protection App
With phishing and cyber attacks becoming all too common, protecting your passwords and ensuring that they are robust is an ever increasing challenge. So we think this free password protection app is just what every business needs. It helps you by ensuring you never forget passwords and helping you stay safe online. Secure, easy to use and a great way to ensure you don’t ever forget your password again, you’ll find it hard to live without.
Free 2.5Gb Online Storage with DropBox
With collaboration being the name of the game these days, no self-respecting business executive can consider being without a Dropbox account. If you don’t have cloud computing, but still want to collaborate and share documents, Dropbox provides the perfect answer. You’ll be able to upload up to 2gb of data to share and work on with your colleagues and business associates. All you have to do is install the Dropbox file on your pc, laptop or phone. Store up to 1000 pictures, 80 videos or 8000 docs. Just load them up from your phone, email or pc and get on with sharing or linking with friends and colleagues. It will enable you to control your documents and prevent multiple versions floating round the ether which you can’t manage easily.
Free Anti-Theft Laptop Software
This free tracking software from Prey, enables you to track your laptop if you lose it or it gets stolen. You’ll be able to see its location on the map and view its webcam and take screenshots. It also ensures that your data is encrypted which also provides peace of mind under GDPR legislation. There’s a great enterprise platform which allows you to manage multiple devices, and it supports a number of different operating systems. you can use Prey’s evidence reports to recover your devices and co-ordinate recovery with your local police force. You can also ring an alarm on the device when you’re near it and remotely lock and retrieve or wipe your devices data.
Free Microsoft Office Alternative
If you refuse to be sucked into Microsofts office’s product domination and think it’s too expensive for your needs, fear not there is a different version on the market, all yours free! It’s called Libreoffice and is 100% compatible with windows mac and Linux. You can also work to develop it and market it if you feel so inclined. The suite contains the usual ms access, powerpoint, word and excel so there’s nothing you’ll miss from ms office and it’s all compatible. We think it’s a great idea for small businesses which need to cut their costs.
Free Antivirus Software
Avast free anti-virus software provides powerful free security for your computer. You can hide your activities online and also protect yourself from numerous viruses. With an up to date library of viruses it will detect any viruses on your pc and prevent them doing any damage by isolating them in its vault. With fake site protection, download and file shield protection and ransomware shield you’ll be very well protected against any potential attacks.